Über mich
Movement has always been an integral part of my life. I have been working as a professional dancer and singer for over 20 years. I have always turned to pilates and other bodywork techniques to maintain strength, balance and flexibility, as well as helping me overcome serious, career threatening injuries.
My teacher and mentor has often said to me that 'Everybody has the right to move'
This simple phrase encapsulates my philosophy.
My goal is to help all my clients to connect with their bodies and to fulfil their potential.

Pilates Matwork
Polestar Pilates, Germany
Pilates Reformer
Polestar Pilates, Germany
YFF-Yamuna Foot Fitness Certification
Elsa Rebollo, Barcelona
YBR-Yamuna Body Rolling Certification part 1
Yamuna Zake, Vienna
YBR-Yamuna Body Rolling Certification part 2
Moravia Naranjo,Vienna
TRX Certification
Marcel Schmitz, Düsseldorf
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